One Moment In Time

Well, Valentin is back!!!
We invite you all to join us again this Sunday, 26th of april at 7 p.m. sharp, at Dalles Hall in Bucharest. Valentin Radu is coming all the way from the States to sing with us some fine american music. Musical, Jazz, Rock & Roll, Gospel and many others will keep your feet up in the air. More about Valentin here.
It became a tradition for the Sound choir to sing along Valentin Radu and it has always turned into a great party, where everything started as a concert.
So, if you don’t want to waste your precious time on Sunday, spending some money at the mall or at a cheap movie, come listen to us because it will worth it. And most important, the entrance is FREE!
So, see you there for is a One Moment In Time thing!

1 Comment One Moment In Time

  1. Anonymous 08/05/2009 at 11:14 am

    Simt muzica atunci cand o ascult, simt atunci cand iubesc, simt ca traiesc. Vad, aud, miros, gust, gandesc si ma simt..norocoasa.


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