In the beginning, there was the Voice. Then came the chair and the bottle of water. In the end came the microphone in order for the Voice to be heard by millions.
Last night I’ve witnessed something divine. Or actually, you don’t really have to be divine in order to attract so many people (watch out Jesus!). That was proven by a simple man that walked the stage of the Palace Hall, last night in Bucharest.

Enjoy the photos!
Not only singers from the audience came on stage next to Bobby. He also called several dancers. Well, this was something interesting. He told people to dance and he would provide the “soundtrack”. It was quite amazing how McFerrin could tell what kind of dance was right for each person. He could read through the people. And the first impression was very cool because a ballerina start dancing while Bobby sanged something to match the dance. Then came another girl who began to dance something with more rhythm which suited her best, and so on. Even with the little girl and the high pitch sounds were a perfect combination.
Three romanian musicians were called on stage to play alongside Bobby McFerrin. Cristinel Turturica at cimbalon, Ionica Minune at the accordion and a bass player. We were a bit afraid not to turn into something more like a wedding music (as we are used) but it was indeed a great performance and the dedication to Bobby McFerrin was a surprise to all. “Don’t Worry Be Happy” in the fiddlers style.

In the improvised choir called on stage by Bobby McFerrin I could see also people from Sound Choir and The Radio Childrens Choir.
In the end, Bobby return to the stage not to sing but to get more acquainted with the audience. Well, that kind of moments are to be more appreciated but we still don’t have enough concert education. The audience requested more songs than taking advantage and ask him a question. I don’t know at how many concerts, artist come to the stage and sit down and talk to you. That’s quite unique. I really do hope that it will happen again, Bobby McFerrin concerting again in Bucharest that is.
Great post! He is an authentic Master.
Thanks a lot!
This is a great concert review with really good photos, too! Congrats and thanks.
I like your "communist syndrome" comment, i hear you! 🙂 I'm Hungarian, so i know what you're talking about… 🙂 (Clap-clap-clap…)
Best regards from the neighbourhood.
Oh, just one more thing…
Believe it or not, i find this "old man" very attractive, though i'm 30. I don't think that i'm alone with this. 🙂
Thanks for the visit and comment. I love Bobby also. He's just great and you can learn a lot from his concerts. But if you're from Hungary, maybe you should check the annual choral festival held in Debrecen. Great vocal names come there to concert. Been there with a choir several times.